by Alison Braithwaite | Jul 3, 2019 | General
Hello all, I realize that I have completely ghosted you. I have sat down several times to write and just couldn’t focus on words. I have been preoccupied with creating a reading list for my PhD. and it has been all consuming. The good news is I feel so much more...
by Alison Braithwaite | Apr 24, 2019 | General
My slow unravelling I have been slowly unravelling over the past few weeks. Unravelling in a good way. I am wearing my emotions just under the surface and at times they flood out of me like a raging spring creek, bulging at it banks from snowmelt and heavy rains. I...
by Alison Braithwaite | Mar 13, 2019 | General
What I learned from magnetic stones I have these beautiful black, flat, polished stones that are magnetic. I believe it is called hematite. I love how they feel in my hand and I love that they are magnetic. When I hold them I feel grounded. I noticed something I was...
by Alison Braithwaite | Feb 12, 2019 | General
To reflect on emotions Emotions are woven into everything that we do. They are part of every thought, every decision, every event we experience. Yet we like to label some emotions as good and some as bad. Are those judgments really fair? Yet what are emotions really?...
by Alison Braithwaite | Jan 15, 2019 | General
How small conscious actions create big change On the weekend I attended a Feldenkrais workshop. Feldenkrais uses small, slow and gentle movements to rewire neural pathways so the body relearns how to move with fluidity and ease. The workshop was about improving...