Struggling? Don’t be a hero. Ask for help.

Life is not a solitary journey. The greatest growth I have ever had has been in relationship with other people. The greatest accomplishments I have ever had were when I had the help and support of others.

For Jody Steinhauer – Founder, President and Chief Bargain Officer of the Bargains Group – (who I interviewed for my upcoming book) asking for help is a skill she expects from her employees. Jody knows how to ask for help. In her own words:

Asking for help is a huge tool that a lot of people don’t use. I encourage people around me to ask for help. People seem to have been trained to view asking for help as a weakness. Asking for help is a strength. Why would you struggle when all around you are people who want to help.

Struggling? Then ask for help.

To get help:

  • Get clear about what you really need.
  • Communicate the need clearly. 
  • Ask for help using one simple statement. “I need help with ‘x’. Can you help me?”
  • Generally, people love to help. But if the answer is no, ask “who do you know who may be able to help me with ‘x’?”
  •  Then go and ask that person


Depending on how you were raised, asking for help can be a challenge. You may habitually put your head down and plough on when facing adversity and this can send you into overwhelm.

In overwhelm?

Focus can get lost and that makes getting the help you need more difficult.

Start practicing asking for help.

 What are you struggling with right now?

 Who do you know who knows about what you need help with?

 Go and ask them for help now.

Remember you are amazing. You are capable. You are unique. You are worth celebrating. Asking for help will make you even more amazing.
