without knowing how to open your parachute.

Are you ready?

Readiness is important in making things happen.

Years ago I decided to go to Haida Gwaii. I loved the paintings of Emily Carr and wanted to feel the place that inspired her creativity. I wanted to really experience the magic of the islands and I wanted to see Gwaii Hannas. Gwaii Hannas is a National Park Reserve and Haida Heritage site.So I booked a kayaking trip. Then it dawned on me,

I had never been in a kayak before.

What if I didn’t like it? What if the kayak tipped upside down? I realized I was not ready to spend two weeks paddling the islands of the Haida Gwaii Strait without first taking a kayak lesson.

Sometimes we need to take the small step of knowing how, before we jump in and do.

For me, that was learning how to hold a paddle before jumping in the kayak.

Don’t overlook the small steps that will get you where you want to go.

  1. What is something you really want to experience in your life and career?
  2. What is one small step you can take today that will get you ready for that experience?
  3. As a leader, what is the small thing that you can do to help someone else be ready for their new experience?

Have you figured out that first step? There is no time like now to take that step.

I love to hear from you let me know how it goes.
